Conferences With ISATTISATT focuses on research into teacher thinking and understandings of their own role in developing practice in diverse cultural contexts
Conferences With ISATTISATT focuses on research into teacher thinking and understandings of their own role in developing practice in diverse cultural contexts
Conferences With ISATTISATT focuses on research into teacher thinking and understandings of their own role in developing practice in diverse cultural contexts
21st ISATT Biennial Conference, 30 June – 4th July 2025, University of Glasgow, Scotland
‘Quality Teaching for a More Equitable World'
- Fighting Social Injustices through Teacher Collaboration, Federal University of Ceara, Fortaleza, Brazil, 9 - 13 September 2024
- Imagining possible future of teaching and learning, University Thessaly, Greece, 8 - 10 November 2024
Past Conferences:
Regional Conference 2022, University of Bordeaux, France, Inclusive ethics in education, a new horizon for teachers and teaching.
Conference 2023, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy Living and Leading in the Next Era: Connecting Teaching, Research and Citizenship
Conference 2019, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania, Education beyond the crisis; new skills, children's right and teaching contexts
Conference 2017, University of Salamanca, Spain Teaching search and research
Conference 2015, University of Auckland, New Zealand Teaching for Tomorrow Today
Regional Conference 2013, Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro- UFTM, Brazil, International Conference in Teacher Education
Conference 2013, University of Ghent, Belgium Excellence of teachers? Practice, policy, research
Conference 2011, University of Minho, Portugal
Back to the Future: Legacies, Continuities and Changes in Educational Policy, Practice and Research
Conference 2009, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi –
Navigating in educational contexts: identities and cultures in dialogue
Conference 2007, Brock University, St. Catherines, Canada Totems and Taboos – Risk and Relevance in Research on Teachers and Teaching
Conference 2005, ACU Sydney, Australia, Challenges for the Profession – Perspectives and Directions for Teachers, Teaching and Teacher Education
Regional Conference 2004, Rzeszow, Poland, Processes of globalization and teachers’ profession – A cross cultural perspective
Conference 2003, Leiden University, The Netherlands
Conference 2001, University of the Algarve, Portugal.
Conference 1999, Dublin, Ireland
Conference 1997, IPN in Kiel, Germany
Conference 1995, Brock University, St. Catherines, Canada
Conference 1993, Goeteburg, Sweden, Teacher Thinking and Action in Varied Contexts
Conference 1991, Surrey, United Kingdom, Educational Development: The Contribution of Research on Teachers’ Thinking and Action
Conference 1988, Nottingham, United Kingdom Teacher Thinking and Action: Evolution of a Perspective
Conference 1986, Leuven, Belgium
Conference 1985, Tilburg, The Netherlands,
Conference 1983 & 1984, Tilburg, The Netherlands – First ISATT Symposium – Teacher Thinking: A New Perspective on (Persisting Problems in) Education