ISATT PublicationsISATT focuses on research into teacher thinking and understandings of their own role in developing practice in diverse cultural contexts
ISATT’s Anniversary publication
Craig, C. J., Meijer, P.C. & Broeckmans, J. (eds) From Teacher Thinking to Teachers and Teaching: The Evolution of a Research Community, Emerald, 2013.
Symposiums paper presented at the ISTE Conference in South Africa, October 2012
Craig, C. (2012) How Science as Inquiry Could Inform Teaching and Teacher Education
Craig, C. (2013). Opportunities and challenges in representing narrative inquiries digitally.
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The ISATT Publication Series consists of a volume of selected papers from each of the conferences including the keynote speeches.
Andron D. R. and Gruber. G (eds.) Education beyond Crisis - Challenges and Direction in a Multicultural World, Bill, 2020.
Mena, J, Garcia-Valcarel and Penalvo F.G, (eds) Teachers' Professional Development in Global Contexts, Brill/Sense, 2019.
De Wever, B, Vanderlinde, R, Tuytens, M & Aelterman, A. (eds.) Professional Learning in Education – Challenges for Teacher Educators, Teachers and Student Teacher –, Academia Press, 2016.
Garbett, D. & Ovens, A. (eds) Teaching for Tomorrow Today, ISATT, 2015.
Flores, M. A., Carvalho, A. A., Ferreira, F. I. & Vilaça, M. T. (eds) Back to the Future, Sense, 2013.
Lauriala, A., Rajala, R., Ruokamo, H. & Ylitapio-Mantyla, O. (eds) Navigating in Educational Contexts – Identities and Cultures in Dialogue, Sense, 2011. (20% discount for ISATT members)
Kentel, J. A. and Short, A. (eds) Totems and Taboos – Risk and Relevance in Research on Teachers and TeachingSense, 2008. (20% discount for ISATT members)
Butcher, J. and McDonald, L. Making a Difference – Challenges for Teachers, Teaching and Teacher EducationSense, 2007. (20% discount for ISATT members)
Beijaard, D., Meijer, P., Morine-Dershimer, G. and Tillema, H. Teacher Professional Development in Changing Conditions. Springer, 2005.
Denicolo, P. M. and Kompf M. (eds) Connecting Policy and Practice: Challenges for Teaching and Learning in Schools and Universities. Taylor and Francis, 2005.
Denicolo, P. M. and Kompf M. (eds) Teacher Thinking and Professional Action. Taylor and Francis, 2005.
Kompf, M. and Denicolo, P. M. (eds) Teacher Thinking Twenty Years. Lisse: Swets and Zeitlinger, 2003.
Sugrue, C. and Day. C. (eds) Developing Teachers and Teaching Practice: International Research Perspectives. London. Routledge/Falmer Press, 2001.
Lang, M., Olson, J., Hansen, H., Bunder, W., (eds) Changing Schools/Changing Practices: Perspectives on Educational Reform and Teacher Professionalism. Garant, 1999.
Kompf, M., Boak, R.T., Bond, W.R., & Dworet, D.H. (eds) Changing Research and Practice: Teachers Professionalism, Identities and Knowledge. Falmer Press, 1996.
Carlgren, I., Handal, G. and Vaage, S. (eds), Teachers Minds and Actions: Research on teachers’ thinking and practice. Falmer Press, 1994.
Day, C., Calderhead, J. and Denicolo, P. (eds), Research on teacher thinking: Towards understanding professional development. Falmer Press, 1993.
Day, C, Pope, M. and Denicolo, P. (eds), Insights into teachers’ thinking and practice. Falmer Press, 1990.
Lowyck, J. and Clark, C.M., (eds), Teacher thinking and professional action. Leuven University Press, 1989.
Ben Peretz, M., Bromme, R. and Halkes, R. (eds) Advances of research on teacher thinking. ISATT. Lisse/Berwyn: Swets and Zeitlinger/Swets North America Inc., 1986.
Halkes, R. and Olson, J.K. (eds): Teacher thinking: a new perspective on persisting problems in education. ISATT, Lisse: Swets and Zeitlinger 1984.
ISATT Members’ Publications
Aili, C., Nilsson, L-E, Svensson, L.G., & Denicolo, P.M. (eds) 2007 In Tension between Organization and Profession, Lund, Sweden: Nordic Academic Press, ISBN978-91-85509-02-7
Berry, A. (2007). Tensions in teaching about teaching: Understanding practice as a teacher educator. Dordrecht: Springer.
Berry, A., Clemens, A., & Kostigritz, A. (Eds.) (2007). Dimensions of professional learning: Identities, professionalism and practice. Dorecht: Sense Publishers.
Brandenburg,R., McDonough,S., Burke, J. & White, S. (2016, Eds.). Teacher Education: Innovation, Intervention and Impact. Singapore: Springer.
Brandenburg, R. (2008). Powerful pedagogy: Self-study of a teacher educator’s practice. Dordrecht: Springer.
Crow, G; Day, C; Moller, J (2016) Framing Research on School Principals’ Identities. International Journal of Leadership in Education. (Open Access)
Day, C; Gu, Q; & Sammons, P. (2016) The Impact of Leadership on Student Outcomes: How Successful School Leaders Use Transformational and Instructional Strategies to Make a Difference. Educational Administration Quarterly
Elliott-Johns, S.E. & Jarvis, D.H. (Eds). (2013). Perspectives on transitions in schooling and instructional practice.Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press. Perspectives on Transitions in Schooling and Instructional Practice (UTP, 2013)
Elliott-Johns, S.E., Wideman, R., Black, G.L., Cantalini-Williams, M., & Guibert, J. (2013). Developing Multi-Agency Partnerships for Early Learning: Seven Keys to Success. LEARNing Landscapes Vol. 7, #1, Autumn 2013 (pp. 149-169). Themed Issue: Early Childhood Education: Successes and Challenges. Montreal, QU: LEARN Publications. www.learninglandscapes.ca
Elliott-Johns, S.E. & Tidwell, D.L. (August, 2013). (Guest Editors). Different voices, many journeys: Explorations of the transformative nature of the self-study of teacher education practices. Studying Teacher Education: A journal of self-study of teacher education practice Vol. 9, #2, pp. 91-95.
Gough, M and Denicolo P 2007 Research Supervisors and the Skills Agenda: Learning Needs Analysis and Personal Development Profiling, Number One SRHE Issues in Postgraduate Education: Management, Teaching and Supervision Series 2 , London: SRHE, 44 pp, ISBN 978-0-946376-08-7
Haworth, P. & Craig, C. (2016, eds.) The Career Trajectories of English Language Teachers
Jiang, Heng & Hill, Mary F. (2018, eds.) Teacher Learning with Classroom Assessment: Asia Pacific Perspectives
Jürgens, Eiko & Lissmann, Urban (2015). Pädagogische Diagnostik. Grundlagen und Methoden der Leistungsbeurteilung in der Schule. Weinheim & Basel: Beltz Verlag (208 pages).
Laneve, C., Scrivere tra desiderio e sorpresa, La Scuola editor, Brescia 2016.
Loughran, J. (2006) Developing a Pedagogy of Teacher Education, Routledge Press.
Mansfield, C.F., Beltman, S., Broadley, T. & Weatherby-Fell, N. (2016). Building resilience in teacher education: An evidenced informed framework. Teaching and Teacher Education, 54, 77-87.
Mansfield, C., Beltman, S., Weatherby-Fell, N., & Broadley, T. (2016). Classroom Ready? Building Resilience in Teacher Education. In R. Brandenburg, S. McDonough, J. Burke & S. White (eds.) Teacher Education: Innovation, Intervention and Impact (pp. 211-229). Singapore: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-0785-9.
Marcelo, C., Gallego-Domínguez, C. & Mayor, C. (2016). University of Seville (Spain). “B-learning for Induction of Novice Teachers. The Case of the INDUCTIO Program in the Dominican Republic”.
Mitchell, I., Mitchell, J. & Lumb, D. (2010) Principles of teaching for effective learning: the voice of the teacher.
Nissilä, S-P, (2010) Dynamic Dialogue in Learning and Teaching. Towards Transformation in Vocational Teacher Education, Saarbrucken, Germany: VDM. The book is sold by Amazon bookshop.
Owen-Jackson, G. (ed) (2007) A Practical Guide to Learning to Teach Design and Technology in the Secondary School London: RoutledgeFalmer
Owen-Jackson, G. & Steeg, T. ‘The role of technical knowledge in design & technology’ in Barlex, D. (ed) (forthcoming) Design & technology for the next generation London: Cliffeco/TEP
Owen-Jackson, G. & Banks, F. ‘The role of making in design & technology’ in Barlex, D. (ed) (forthcoming) Design & technology for the next generation London: Cliffeco/TEP
Olsen, B. (2008) Teaching What They Learn, Learning What They Live: How Teachers’ Personal Histories Shape Their Professional Development (Boulder, CO: Paradigm).
Onderi, H. & Croll, P. (2008a). In-service Training Needs in an African Context: A Study of Head Teacher and Teacher Perspectives in the Gucha District of Kenya. Journal of In-service Education, 34(3), 361- 373.
Onderi, H. & Croll, P. (2008b). Factors associated with differential school performance in the Gucha district of Kenya. Research in education 80 (1), 15-25.
Onderi, H. & Croll, P. (2009). Teacher Self-perceptions of Effectiveness: a study in a district of Kenya. Educational Research, 51(1), 97-107.
Simmons, N. (Ed.), (2016, summer). The scholarship of teaching and learning in Canada: Institutional impact. New Directions in Teaching and Learning, 146. (A Jossey-Bass publication).
Taylor, M. and Klein, E. J (2015) A Year in the life of a third space teacher residency: Using inquiry to reinvent teacher education Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
William, J & Hayler, M (eds.), 2015, Professional Learning Through Transitions and Transformations: Teacher Educators’ Journeys of Becoming (Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices), Springer.
Wineberg, T (2008) Professional Care and Vocation: Cultivating Ethical Sensibilities in Teaching. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers